Sometimes, some inexpensive items are not inferior to high-end and stylish toys in developing babies' intelligence and abilities in various areas such as movement and coordination, such as various types of balls, including ping-pong balls, small leather balls, balloons, basketballs, and footballs. Babies can play with balls after they are six months old, and as they grow older, they can play with more and more types of balls. Over time, babies' "ball skills" will improve.
(1) Purpose
To promote babies' crawling and grasping abilities and the development of their four limbs and hand muscles.
(2) Preparation
Small leather balls, ping-pong balls or textured touch balls with bright colors to attract babies' attention. The size of the ball should be small enough for the baby to hold with both hands.
(3) Methods of children's ball games
Let the baby lie on the bed or wooden floor, and place the ball about 1 meter in front of him. Use both hands to support the baby's feet and encourage him to crawl forward. After the baby can crawl, parents can put the ball farther away to attract the baby to crawl faster and get the ball.
(4) Safety
Babies at this stage like to put things in their mouths, so toys and balls should be disinfected daily. When the baby is crawling on the bed, parents should stay nearby to prevent the child from falling off the bed. If the baby is placed on a wooden floor in winter, it is best to lay a carpet to prevent catching cold.
(1) Purpose
To exercise children's agility in actions such as squatting, bending, and standing up, and to cultivate children's observation, attention, patience and the spirit of striving for progress and cooperation in a happy atmosphere.
(2) Preparation
Plastic balls with bright colors similar to those in the amusement park ocean pool or ping-pong balls.
(3) Methods of children's ball games
Scatter the ball on the ground, let adults accompany one or two children to pick up the ball and put it in the designated container to see who can pick up more balls faster. You can also mix balls of different colors together and let your child pick them up and put them into different containers.
(4) Safety
The venue should be flat. It is best to play this game on a wooden floor, a carpeted floor or on the grass, and avoid polished tiles or marble floors. Too many children playing together can easily bump into each other when they compete to pick up or pass the ball.
(1) Purpose
To improve the coordination of the four limbs and the body's movements.
(2) Preparation
Leather balls or textured touch balls with "thorns".
(3) Methods of children's ball games
Stand about one meter away from the baby and let the baby throw the ball to the parent forcefully. The parent returns the ball to the baby and repeats this action. After the child masters it, gradually increase the distance between the two people. Incorporate ball games sports by having parents throw the ball to the ground and let the baby catch it when it bounces. The baby can also throw the ball down and the parent catches it.
Parents should throw the ball to the baby’s chest with moderate strength, which is easy for the child to catch. The throwing position should be between the child's shoulder and knee. If it is too high or too low, it will increase the difficulty of catching the ball. After training for a while, gradually increase the distance and intentionally throw the ball to the left or right side of the child to let him turn his body to catch the ball. After the baby masters these skills, they can play passing games with their parents, passing the ball to each other continuously.
(4) Safety
Parents should not throw the ball too fast, so as not to hurt the baby. Overinflated balls that are too hard can cause pain when they hit the body, so the inflation amount of the ball should be moderate.
(1) Purpose
To learn the coordination of the limbs and to exercise the coordination of the body’s movements.
(2) Preparation
Leather balls or smaller basketballs.
(3) Methods of children's ball games
At first, stand still with both feet on the ground, throw the ball to the ground first, and then use your hand to slap it when it bounces. Parents slap the ball once, and then the child slaps it once, allowing the child to observe the parent's action clearly. After being able to slap the ball several times continuously, teach the child to slightly move both feet according to the position of the ball and learn the coordination of the four limbs.
(4) Safety
The force of throwing the ball to the ground should not be too strong, otherwise, the ball may bounce too high, making it impossible to hit and possibly injuring the child.
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